Costly Clogging Problem Solved by Barnes SH Pumps

Back in 2011 Oak Hill Estates of Holly, MI was experiencing persistent recurring clogging- multiple times a week! The risk of overflowing the station during peak flow times could lead to heavy fines from the EPA. The lift station’s operator, Highland Treatment Inc. contacted JETT Pump & Valve to provide a rental pump to use while their Flygt pump was being repaired. Building upon its success from Inkster the year before,  JETT Pump & Valve recommended a Barnes SH pump. A slotted discharge flange on the pump allowed for easy pump installation without modification.


To quote the operating supervisor, “The 4SHV has not clogged once since installation.”


Costly Clogging Problem Solved by Barnes SH Pumps - Blog & Latest News | JETT Pump & Valve - Oak_Hill_Est

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